Key Stage 4 including exam boards

At KS4 the students study WJEC Level 2 Hospitality and Catering. We offer a vocational course that gives students access to hands on practical cooking experiences as well as detailed knowledge of the hospitality and catering industry. The course is split into 40% exam assessment on the hospitality industry and 60% No Exam Assessment on planning, preparing and cooking a menu of their choice, taking into consideration both nutrition and practical skills.

In Year 9, we aim to develop on the students' basic cooking skills of a wide range of dishes, allowing them opportunity to reflect on their outcomes. We continue to build on the students’ knowledge of nutrition and health and safety. Students go on to complete an online Level 1/2 health and safety certificate, giving them an additional professional qualification.

In years 10 and 11, we encourage students to enhance their creativity within the subject and advance their cooking skills. This is in preparation for the students to start the ‘non exam assessment unit’. Students will also take part in the ‘Future Chef competition’, which gives an opportunity to gain industry recognition as well as learn how to plan and cost menus and compete with other schools.

Year 9 curriculum map | Year 10 curriculum map | Year 11 curriculum map