Keep up to date with what's happening at Stoke Newington School
Keep up to date with what's happening at Stoke Newington School
Daily updates for parents and carers as we move to home learning
Home learning, mass testing and safety protocols
End of term, start of next term, and have a peaceful holiday
Key dates, behaviour expectations, foodbank drive
Academic progress checks, Covid-19, keyworkers and upcoming key dates
Covid-19 safety protocols, Year 7 Parents' Evening, and key dates
Wednesday 25 November, 4pm - 6.30pm | Book here
Check out this amazing work our Year 7s did with Ms Hudson in art club!
Covid 19 protocols, key dates, and happy Diwali!
Latest government restrictions
Have a wonderful half-term break, key dates, and school reminders
Mind Body Soul: Finding your Safe Place | Saturday 21 November 2020